About the events
The Symposium content was a multiplication conference within the educational project Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships for Innovation 2020-1-SK01-KA202-078222 more…
Date: 22/07/2022 Live for free online
The project partners presented a comprehensive concept of education within the specialization of their field, published in a compendium and in an educational course for doctors accredited by the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic as part of continuous education in acupuncture under the title „Less frequent methods in acupuncture and in complex medicine“
The publication describes methods and procedures in acupuncture, sound therapy, rehabilitation, neurotechnologies and the possibilities of applying these methods in the education of experts.
in prevention, therapy, diagnostics and research.
Part of the event was a panel discussion with invited guests about the possibilities of applying the published outputs within their organizations, either in the form of direct staff training or by expanding the awareness of the mentioned compendium in electronic and printed form.